Devoto five dents hardened stainless steel tip on plastic base
Devoto heavy five dents hardened steel tip with plastic base.
Devoto five dents heavy stainless steel prong on plastic base
Devoto four dents heavy stainless steel prong on plastic base
Devoto four dents heavy steel prong on plastic base
Devoto four dents light steel prong on plastic base
Devoto hardened stainless steel trident on plastic base
Devoto hardened steel heavy trident on plastic base
Devoto heavy five dents steel prong on plastic base
Devoto heavy stainless steel trident on plastic base
Devoto heavy steel trident on plastic base
Devoto large tahitian (French) trident with barbs, stainless steel
Devoto light steel trident on plastic base
Devoto single tip plastic loader for pneumatic gun
Devoto small stainless steel tip
Devoto universal plastic loader for pheumatic gun